Friday, June 18, 2010

My Dad...perfect for me, from God.


  1. Sweet Jamie,

    This is so special to me!! Especially the song you chose. It's so personal and means the world to me.

    You know life has a way of being like a soccer ball. You get kicked, then you roll with it and the next thing you know you get kicked again and then again. As this goes on throughout life you always, in the back of your mind, know that you are going to end up in the goal. For us that goal is in heaven with God. But as we are rolling around between kicks, God has a way of giving us things to enjoy. I know that one of those very special things was you.

    Thanks Honey.

    My Sweet Jamie...perfect for me, from God.

    Love, Dad

  2. One of the best notes i've ever received. tears. thanks dad~
