Monday, May 17, 2010

On the docket~ vegetable garden

found these on etsy~

Thanks Josh, for doing the grunt work.

A "beautiful" butterfly (hannah) caught with a butterfly net by one delighted little keri~

Caleb got the memo about gardening...

I spy... Can you find him?

To the amateur gardener, this surely cannot be a weed.

It's coming along~


  1. Save those window panes... you can use them to make a cold frame used in gardening when the weather is cold. I'll tell you about them when I see you.

  2. What a great project for the family. We decided not to have a veggie garden this year, but I cheated and bought a pepper plant!!!

  3. I love your plant markers, Caleb's boots and the cute little chipmunk!
    Welcome to the land of blog!!
    Your blog is off to a great start!
